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Year of the Snake

Year of the Snake

Regular price HK$188.00
Regular price Sale price HK$188.00
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The character ‘fook’ [福] means fortune and is commonly used on new year decorations. This design intertwines three iconic Hong Kong snake species - the Bamboo Pit Viper (top left), the Chinese Cobra (top right) and the Burmese Python (bottom).

These papercuttings are machine-made reproductions, using traditional Chinese red paper to maintaining its authentic texture and unmistakable colour. Part of the charm of this material lies in its small imperfections, variegated colour, and the way it fades over the course of the year. 
A bespoke small-batch laser-cutting process was developed to preserve the integrity of the delicate material. The paper is reinforced with a recycled card backing, made from 80% post-consumer waste, for improved durability.

Papertecture is a papercutting studio that aspires to reintegrate traditional crafts into the digital age. 

Nick Tsao, founder of Papertecture, is an architect and artist based in Hong Kong. He currently lives in the historic Wanchai Blue House where he can share his passion for traditional crafts. Get in touch for workshops, collaborations or bespoke art pieces. 

剪紙設計以香港常見蛇類 - 青竹蛇(左上角)、 中華眼鏡蛇「飯鏟頭」(右上角)及緬甸蟒蛇(下方)環繞「福」字,寓意靈蛇出洞、迎春接福。





Product Dimensions: 275x255mm

Packaging Dimensions: 285x285x5mm

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